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Food Waste Warriors in Huntley 158

“I wish we could do this food separating everyday – it was easy,” remarked a student as they stood in front of a long row of 5-gallon buckets filled to the brim with uneaten food from lunch. While the students’ can-do spirit made the task look easy, they were hard at work collecting valuable data […]

CPS Partners with SGA on Zero Waste Goal...

Chicago – Chicago Public Schools has taken another step towards its goal of diverting 80% of its waste from landfills with its upcoming launch of a CPS Commercial Composting and Recycling Program at Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center on the city’s north side. Part of the CPS Zero Waste program, in collaboration with nonprofit Seven Generations Ahead (SGA), […]

Toolkit Helps Schools Reduce Food Waste

Greta Kringle, a chemistry and environmental science teacher at Solorio Academy High School, a Chicago Public School, makes sure her students learn more about waste than they probably ever wanted to know. Her goal is to make science relevant to her students’ everyday lives, and when she gets to the unit on food waste, the […]

Solorio students host Pumpkin Smash

Leading the way to increased composting awareness in Chicago, the Zero Waste Team from Solorio High School coordinated a Pumpkin Smash for their Gage Park community on Nov. 7. Typically held the Saturday after Halloween, these events provide communities the opportunity to drop off their pumpkins for composting instead of landfilling them.  Composting is not […]