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FVSN forum looks at solar energy’s advan

Solar energy was the topic for Fox Valley Sustainability Network‘s second forum on June 8 at the Two Brothers Roundhouse in Aurora. The network is a project of Seven Generations Ahead, Kane County, the City of Aurora, and a5 Inc., Branding + Digital in collaboration with the Fox Valley communities and counties. Among those giving presentations were Steve Johnson, vice president of […]

Rush Oak Park Hospital shares food scrap...

Nearly 112 tons of food scraps have been diverted from landfills since Rush Oak Park Hospital (ROPH) began itsfood scrap diversion and composting program three years ago, Cynthia Vasquez, the hospital’s Director of Volunteer services and Chair of the ROPH Green Team, reports. Between 2013 and 2015, the amount nearly doubled, jumping from 24.42 tons to […]

Lunch and Learn Round-Up

Through its Lunch and Learn forums, PlanItGreen covers some of the top sustainability topics of the day. The forums give institutional leaders a chance to engage with subject experts and take away valuable insights and information that can improve their communities. April was a busy month, with three forums, all held in the conference room […]

SGA helps launch Fox Valley Sustainabili...

What began as an idea put forth at the Green Town Aurora conference in February 2015 is now the Fox Valley Sustainability Network (FVSN). It became official on March 16 when 75 people met at the Hickory Knolls Discovery Center in St. Charles to share success stories and snapshots of what municipalities, businesses and nonprofits are already […]

It’s a go: Green Guides network takes of

Two kickoff gatherings for the new Green Guides network each drew more than 25 people, filling an Oak Park Library meeting room on a Thursday morning and a Tuesday evening. Jen Nelson, zero waste program manager for SGA who is helping coordinate the network, encouraged people to continue to spread the word and talk to others who […]

PlanItGreen Looks Back & Moves Forward

PlanItGreen’s Institutional Leadership Forum provided an opportunity for sustainability leaders to celebrate their 2014 accomplishments and plan next year’s goals. Held November 12 at Marion Street Cheese Market, more than 50 representatives from key Oak Park and River Forest taxing bodies and institutions participated. Village presidents Anan Abu-Taleb and Cathy Adduci gave engaging opening addresses […]

Green Guides a ‘sustainable knowledge so

Knowing which waste items can go into the recycle or compost bin doesn’t come naturally. We could all live a lot greener if we just knew where to get the proper waste reduction information and tips. PlanItGreen intends to make that happen with a new initiative it’s launching in early 2016. A communications network being called Green Guides, […]

4th Institutional Leaders Forum focuses ...

Adrian Fisher, Triton College’s Sustainability coordinator, highlighted the new Bike to Campus Coalition and environmental science program. Julie Moller, a member of the River Forest Sustainability Committee, reported on the annual Recycling Extravaganza, which has helped divert 160,000 pounds of electronics in the last four years. Ron Burke, executive director of the Active Transportation Alliance, […]

PlanItGreen kicks off fall with educatio...

As part of its ongoing efforts to implement the Environmental Sustainability Plan for Oak Park and River Forest, PlanItGreen is introducing several educational opportunities for residents. A Green Guides program (sustainability block captain, of a sort), a Residential Waste Reduction Education Campaign and a new Lunch and Learn Series are all programs designed for Oak […]