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COP27 November 9th Dispatch: Just Transi...

By Gary Cuneen Just Transition In the opening round table on just transition there was agreement on what just transition means moving forward, including interventions at the individual, sector and country levels: A) Individual: most vulnerable individuals should be protected during the transition: workers at risk of losing their job should be provided adapted social […]

COP27 Youth Dispatch: One Family, One Hu...

Victoria Evans introduces audience members in the Children & Youth Pavilion to IOF and Seven Generations Ahead By Victoria Evans, IOF Youth Delegate Between the sandy mountains of the Sinai Peninsula and the Red Sea, a new, golden sunrise reaches out to welcome 30,000 people to the second day of the United Nations Climate Change […]

COP27 November 8th Dispatch: Emergency M...

By Gary Cuneen UN Chief Antonio Guterres, in his opening remarks spoke in his usually strong tone of urgency, warning world leaders that humanity has a stark choice between working together or facing collective suicide related to the climate crisis. He reminded leaders that the 8 billionth child is about to be born and we […]

COP27 Youth Dispatch: A Peek Into the St...

By Fatima Perez, IOF Youth Delegate After what felt like an eternal journey to arrive at Sharm El Sheikh, we eagerly checked into our hotel to get a well-earned night of sleep. Despite the fact that we don’t officially begin our duties as delegates until Monday, November 7th, we have already been welcomed by amiable […]

COP27 November 7th Dispatch: Moving Past...

By Gary Cuneen COP27 President and Foreign Minister of Egypt Sameh Shoukry in the COP27 opening plenary stated that nations must move from pledges and promises to meaningful action; an equitable and just energy transition with funding is overdue; current geopolitical challenges must not derail or delay action to meet climate targets; and loss and […]

COP27 November 6th Dispatch: It’s Compli

By Gary Cuneen It’s an odd experience being here in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt – a gorgeous coastal beach resort at the bottom of the Sinai Peninsula by the Red Sea – and attending the 27th Conference of Parties (COP) UN Climate Summit. Over 100 heads of state and just shy of 200 countries are descending […]

From the Mideast to the Midwest: Chicago...

Oak Park, IL – Chicagoland environmental nonprofit Seven Generations Ahead (SGA) is taking their climate advocacy international again this year. Five Chicago area students and one teacher who are part of SGA’s youth climate advocacy program, It’s Our Future (IOF), are headed to Sharm El-Sheikh Egypt for this year’s UN Climate Summit, COP27. Gary Cuneen, […]

Meet our COP27 Delegates!

It’s that time of year again! We’re headed to this year’s UN Climate Summit, COP27, in early November, and we’re bringing a great crew! Five Chicagoland students representing It’s Our Future, and one Chicago teacher, will travel to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt to observe the climate negotiations and report back. Get to know this fantastic team […]

It’s Their Future: Farewell, IOF Seniors

IOF Seniors with the delegate from Tongva at COP26 The 5 students who attended COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland have graduated from high school and from It’s Our Future!  We are so proud of their accomplishments and grateful for their voices in this important work.  Sophie Ball will be studying International Relations at King’s College in […]

Youth Climate Activists Talk Suing the G...

Drive less, support climate-conscious political candidates, and… sue the U.S. government? That’s exactly what the climate activists featured in the film YOUTH v GOV have done. The documentary film, directed by Christi Cooper, follows the story of 21 youth climate activists who sued the U.S. government for endangering their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and […]