During this eight-week internship with Seven Generations Ahead, Scott Williams was “never not busy doing something,” he said. Because the Oak Park-based nonprofit facilitates and manages multiple sustainability initiatives, Scott worked on not one but two programs during the summer. One of his assignments was helping promote the Illinois Farm to School Network. That assignment […]
A Night at Revolution
Thanks to our good friends at Revolution Brewing, SGA has been given access to their exclusive Brewers’ Lounge for a fun (and fundraising) event this Fall. Being held on Wed. Oct. 16th from 6:30-8:30, your $35 ticket gets you all the beer and apps you can hold. Speed trivia rounds will be an additional cost.The […]
OPRF grad Kristin Gill steps easily into...
Kristin Gill hoped to get an internship near her hometown the summer after her freshman year at the University of Minnesota because she wanted to be near her family. Instead, she found an internship right in her hometown with an organization she first learned about during her senior year at Oak Park River Forest High […]
Meet Becky Brodsky, new zero waste consu...
Becky Brodsky spends a lot of her days looking for ways to reduce waste. It all started 11 years ago. She was attending a coffee for the parents of new kindergartners at her son’s new school. “And I saw the volume amount of waste on that first day of school,” she recalls. For someone who […]
Rondout counting down to zero waste
Rondout Elementary School is a small school with big plans– get to zero waste. With washable dishes in the lunchroom and recycling well-established throughout the building, the school was already well on its way. They got a whole lot closer to that goal this past April with the launch of their zero waste lunchroom. Rondout […]
LaSalle digs into onsite composting and ...
LaSalle Language Academy students gathered around desks waiting for their chance to dig through containers of compost filled with food scraps, worms, and other soil critters. These students had just learned how composting can help their school reduce waste and help prevent climate change. Then they saw how the decomposition process works with their own […]